前言 Preface
笔者同时拥有2个Cap AC(ARM架构),2个旧版Wap AC(MIPSBE架构),平时用Capsman统一下发配置,以Local-forwarding本地转发桥模式运行,借此新版无线驱动包更新之际,简单测试下性能变化供大家参考。
Maybe the low performance with legacy wireless driver, MikroTik start to develop new version wireless driver.
I do remember wireless package seperated from the main RouterOS package before v7.0. After the v7.0, wireless package intergrated in the main RouterOS package.
But the wireless package start to seperate again start from v7.13, and there are 3 wireless packages now, Wireless.npk(Legacy wireless driver), wifi-qcom.npk(New wireless driver, for Wi-Fi6 module), wifi-qcom.npk(New wireless driver, for Wi-Fi5 module).
I have 2 Cap AC(ARM) and 2 Wap AC(legacy version, MIPSBE), use Capsman to control the configuration, run in local-forwarding mode, and I will have a simple performance test below to find out the differ between the new and the legacy wireless driver.
驱动包安装 Package Install
If you have APs with ARM CPU and support up to Wi-Fi5 (As compatible list below in Nov 28 2023), you can install wifi-qcom-ac.npk.
- Audience、Audience LTE kit
- Chateau (all variants of D53,所有D53衍生型)
- hAP ac^2、hAP ac^3
- cAP ac, cAP XL ac
- LDF 5 ac
- LHG XL 5 ac、LHG XL 52 ac
- NetMetal ac^2
- mANTBox 52 15s
- wAP ac (RBwAPG-5HacD2HnD,即ARM架构新版本)
- SXTsq 5 ac
安装时请先安装RouterOS 7.13,运行后检查是否含有Wireless.npk。如含有Wireless.npk请卸载后再安装wifi-qcom-ac.npk,不然两个共存安装后WinBox中的wifi一栏虽可以识别两个wifi接口,但实际无法使用。简而言之Wireless.npk和wifi-qcom-ac.npk为互斥关系,二者不可共存。
Before install the wifi-qcom-ac.npk, please upgrade to RouterOS 7.13 first and check if there is Wireless.npk or not. If there is Wireless.npk installed, please uninstall it then to install wifi-qcom-ac.npk. Or you do see 2 wifi interfaces in the wifi tab but not working properly. In short, wifi-qcom-ac.npk and Wireless.npk are mutually exclusive, they can't exist together.
If you have others CPU's AP, congratulation, MikroTik don't have fully support by now, you can see the incompatible list below.
- RB4011iGS+5HacQ2HnD-IN (no support for the 2.4GHz interface,不支持2.4GHz频段)
- Cube 60Pro ac (no support for 60GHz interface,不支持60GHz频段)
- wAP ac (RBwAPG-5HacT2HnD,即旧版MIPSBE架构)
- all other devices with a MIPSBE CPU,所有MIPSBE架构的AP均不支持
测试平台 Test Platform
- 接入点AP : MikroTik Cap AC (ARM) & MikroTik Wap AC (MIPSBE)
- 固件Firmware: RouterOS 7.13 Beta2
- 无线驱动Wirepless Driver: CapAC (wifi-qcom-ac.npk) & WapAC (Wireless.npk)
- 物理链路 Physical link: 千兆以太网 1Gbps Ethernet
- 测速服务器 Test Server: HP DL320e Gen8 V2 (E3-1220/32G/1Gbps)
- 测速软件 Test Software: speedtest-x (Docker version)
- 测试客户端 Client: 魅族17手机 Meizu 17 Smartphone (Qualcomm SG865 SoC With Wi-Fi6 Support)
测试结果 Test Result
旧版无线驱动(Wireless.npk) Legacy wireless driver(Wireless.npk)
首先使用魅族17手机连接MikroTik-AP-1F(型号为:WapAC,使用旧版无线驱动Wireless.npk)进行测试,使用Wifiman软件可知当前协商速率上下行均为866Mbps,可正常识别出AP的固件版本为RouterOS 7.13 Beta2。
Firstly, Use my Meizu17 smartphone connect to the AP which called MikroTik-AP-1F (Wap AC) to have a test. You can see the device and the AP have negotiated both uplink and downlink PHY speed at 866Mbps, and shows AP’s firmware version is RouterOS 7.13 Beta2.
Test result shows the maximum download speed is 340Mbps, upload speed is 423Mbps with about 3 meters away from the AP, which the same with the version before v7.13. So we can comfirm that the MikroTik didn’t optimize the wireless performance besides the APs without ARM CPU.
新版无线驱动(wifi-qcom-ac.npk) New wireless driver(wifi-qcom-ac.npk)
接下来,我们连接包含新版无线驱动wifi-qcom-ac.npk的MikroTik-AP-2F(型号为Cap AC)进行测试。使用Wifiman软件可知当前协商速率上下行亦均为866Mbps,但无法正常识别出AP的固件版本。
Next, Test with the Ap called MikroTik-AP-2F (Cap AC with new wifi-qcom-ac.npk wireless driver). Wifiman software shows that the device and the AP have negotiated both uplink and downlink PHY speed at 866Mbps too, but there no AP’s firmware version information.
Test result shows a 723Mbps download speed and 486Mbps upload speed, which 2x from the legacy wireless driver.
Comments 2 条评论
催更 xD
@pony 哈哈,已更。飞机延误在机场写完了。